Coronavirus Destroys Mister Versatile

Coronavirus Kills Mister Versatile

Mister Versatile's Worst Enemy

We're pretty disappointed here.  Mister Versatile, the sexy gay superhero game that was supposed to have a great Kickstarter is dead in the water.  See for yourself:

We're halfway through and we aren't even close to funded.

A game like this should have been on par with To Trust an Incubus, which made close to $50,000 and catapulted our company to it's initial success.

This was BEFORE people trusted us.  Three Kickstarters and one IndieGoGo later, everyone knows that Y Press Games is the one company that always delivers Kickstarters on time.   Besides that, our games are high quality!  We made the first functional visual novel farming game, for goodness sake!  One where you could plant, harvest, buy, and sell.  We went the extra mile--we always try to.

There's nothing to hold people back, right?


The Coronavirus has kicked Mister Versatile's ass, and not even the super-powerful Captain Crush can save us.  

You see, every successful bara/gay Kickstarter we've had so far has been funded by now.  Not just funded--grabbing stretch goals left and right!

Mister Versatile is ostensibly BETTER than our last gay game.  And it's still circling the drain?  Are you kidding us!

We started out great, because the world wasn't the disaster movie it is now.  Besides that, we HAD to launch this Kickstarter now.  Studio Kosen took a gamble with us.  They quit their jobs to put all their time into games.

If Mister Versatile isn't funded, there is no second chance for us.  Kosen will have to go back to work as art teachers.  It will be over.

This amazing, sexy, beautiful game will be dead.  :(

The other bara game on Kickstarter, Beefy Blasters, didn't get it's funding.  

We are not in good shape right now.  We're trending towards failure.  Bigger Cake, the most accurate Kickstarter predictor out there, says we'll fail.

We see it ourselves with how we're trending.  Making less than $150 a day is not going to get us to the finish line.

Help us Defeat the Enemy Destroying the World

Please help us beat the odds.  This game is so good--one of our best.  We are asking for your help.

  1. If you have the money to back us, please back us.  Backing for a perk would be amazing of you, but even $1 will get your Kickstarter followers to see our game.
  2. If you can't back us, can you help promote us?  Mention our link in your social media, blog, Reddit, or forums you visit?  It's below:
  3. If you can't back us or promote us will you help our visibility on Kickstarter? We're on page 5 on Video Games.  Click on the  Mister Versatile campaign here to help us hit #1. Thanks, Everyone!  Now forward this newsletter to a friend!

Join our Discord for all the news and updates about this game, including some naughty image previews!

We Can't Make this Game if We Don't Get Funded On Kickstarter!

Get To Trust an Incubus - Full Game! Bara Yaoi BL Visual Novel

Buy Now$19.99 USD or more


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I'm broke as hell right now but I'll share it. Damn, I hope you guys get through it.


Hey! Threw $500 your way. Please don’t give up. Hugs! 

WOW!  Thank you so much!!!