Slagathor in the Main Game - Not a DLC

Hello Awesome Supporters!

Today we made the Slagathor stretch goal on the Dear Monster Kickstarter!

This character has garnered so much excitement we've decided to put him in the main game.  He is no longer a DLC!  The initial game will release with the original four routes, and we will add the Slagathor route as it's done later.  EVERYONE GETS TO PLAY SLAGATHOR!

Our Kickstarter only has 5 days left, but we've added another stretch goal!  A Harem Route!  If we can make $98,000 by the end of the Kickstarter you'll get a polyamorous route where you love all the love interests, including Slagathor!

Please consider supporting us for this DLC here:

If you can't support us, would you consider retweeting this tweet to spread the word?  It really does help!

Thanks everyone!  You made this amazing accomplishment possible!  Slagathors for everyone!!!

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